Now I know during this endless quarantine that everyone is suffering from some form of boredom or anxiety, and in my opinion, a good movie can really solve this dilemma. I am a movie lover, therefore I have seen way too many movies, and can tell you which ones are actually worth watching. The most popular streaming subscription people own is Netflix, so I thought it would be a great idea to dig up all my rom-com favorites in hopes maybe you haven’t seen one of them before (because I know we all feel like we’ve seen every single movie on Netflix at this point). Disclaimer: Please do not come for my movie recommendations, I tend to enjoy movies that make me laugh while veering away from the typical sad romance, because why would anyone enjoy sobbing while Nicholas Sparks made us feel lonely once again?
Love, Rosie

Before you begin to doubt that I cannot dig you up hidden gems on Netflix you’ve never heard of or seen, let me discuss Love, Rosie first. I know that a lot of people have seen and heard of Love, Rosie, however, some people haven’t! And I must tell those people about this movie immediately because it is wonderful, and if you’ve seen it, I am almost sure you agree!
Love, Rosie revolves around two best friends, played by Lily Collins and Sam Claflin, that grow up dreaming about their perfect futures after high school. However, those plans take a turn when Collins’ character gets pregnant and keeps it from everyone, watching her best friend continue on with his dreams.
The movie is a feel-good movie, may make you shed a tear or two, and will also make you wish you had a best friend as good looking as Sam Claflin.
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before

I am going to try not to be biased about my list, but this is by far my favorite movie. It may be Peter Kavinsky’s charm or Lara Jean’s cute clothes, but this movie has everything a rom-com needs, in my opinion.
Lara Jean is a high school student with a boy dilemma when a box of secret love letters get sent out to every boy she’s ever loved. She gets herself into a conflicting situation when she decides to embark in a pretend relationship that only confuses her heart more.
This movie was so aesthetically pleasing, from the camera filtering down to the font choices. Also, as someone who read the novel, the movie did a great job resembling the original script. This movie is relatable, makes me laugh, and has me swooning over romance.

Burlesque leans more towards the risque side of Romantic Comedies, but it is still one of my favorite on Netflix to watch over and over again, that I cannot believe most people do not know about.
Christina Aguilera plays a woman in her twenties trying to find herself, thus one day she leaves her small town and moves to L.A. in hopes to find purpose. She gets a job as a waitress at a burlesque club and immediately learns that she has the skills to be up on stage.
This movie not only has Christina Aguilera but the legendary Cher, as well as James from Twilight! Fun music, romance, and dancing you wish you knew the choreography to.
Mirror, Mirror

If you are a Disney movie lover, you will definitely love Mirror, Mirror. This was recently added on Netflix as well!
Just by looking at the movie poster, you can tell this is based upon Snow White. The movie does not follow the exact premise of the originally animated Snow White, but it follows the same idea of a young girl in danger of an older woman, while also catching the attention of a very handsome prince, all while seven men trying to help her gain back her castle.
This is a light-hearted movie with good acting, fun scenes and a very handsome prince played by Armie Hammer. Also, you can never really go wrong with any movie that Lily Collins or Julia Roberts are in.
She’s Out Of My League

She’s Out Of My League is your typical Rom-Com, and it does not disappoint. It’s rated R because of just how hilariously inappropriate it is.
The film is based around this average guy Kirk who has a very basic job and basic life until he meets this gorgeous girl who falls for him. Kirk, and his hilarious friends, have no clue why this girl is so into him, and it causes a whole string of issues in the film because of his inner insecurities.
This movie is really perfect if you feel like laughing. The friends are hilarious, none of the guys know how to handle women, and Kirk can be really relatable when it comes to not knowing your worth.
Jerry Maguire

Have you ever heard the famous line, “You had me at hello”? Well that line is from this movie! I had no clue until I watched this movie for the first time, and finally felt apart of the cool movie people club after hearing it.
This film stars Tom Cruise, and released in 1996, where Cruise portrayed a famous sports agent, but evidently gets fired for company mistake. He decides to just make his own firm, bringing along a single mother to help him gain their main sports client. The two start to fall in love, however work becomes difficult and there is a son in the picture.
Jerry Maguire is a heartfelt movie that leans more towards the romantic side, which pulls at your heart strings. The movie was actually nominated for Best Picture by The Academy, which in itself tells you the movie must be good (but I also think its Tom Cruise’s dreamy 90’s look).

I must have seen this movie over twenty times, because honestly, whenever I have nothing to watch I always put Hitch on. Hitch always manages to put a smile on my face, and make me rethink men’s poor dating decisions.
Hitch revolves around a dating coach, Alex “Hitch” (Will Smith), who ends up helping a man (Albert) date a fairly famous woman. Albert, played by Kevin James, is incredibly nerdy and awkward but Hitch continues to help him grow. While he helps Albert, he begins falling for a girl that, for the first time, does not fall for his coaching charm. This movie is worth watching because, 1. Will Smith, 2. Kevin James, and 3. Kevin James’ dancing (you’ll understand once you watch).
Hopefully, you haven’t seen all of these movies, that way you have at least one new movie to watch! Let me know below if I missed any of your favorites, enjoy!

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